Disposable anesthetic gas absorber
The internally stored adsorption medium with high adsorption


Type I (outside the loop) Type II (inside the loop)


Scope of application:

The internally stored adsorption medium with high adsorption performance can absorb the anesthesia waste gas emitted by the anesthesia machine in the operating room and the remaining anesthesia waste gas in the breathing circuit; it can accelerate the awakening of anesthetized surgery patients and protect medical staff from anesthesia waste gas.

Product advantages:

1. Product specifications and models are complete. Type I adsorption circuit for anesthesia waste gas outside protects medical staff and purifies the air in the operating room; Type II adsorption circuit for anesthesia waste gas. When the operation is completed, the adsorber is turned on to absorb the remaining anesthesia waste gas in the breathing circuit and speed up the process. Patient's recovery time.

2. The core indicator of this product is an anesthetic gas adsorbent of 90%, which can purify most of the anesthetic waste gas and has good clinical use results.

3. The φ15mm connector of this product complies with YY1040.1-2003 and can be directly connected to anesthesia machines and breathing circuits.

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